Sunday, August 18, 2013

Heart of Dakota - BLHFHG Unit/Week 2

This week was just as exciting as week 1! Just to boost my confidence as a newbie teacher...  I started the week out with a worksheet I found on Pinterest to use as an entry in our journal. My daughter is just precious and this sweet girl brightened my day!!

 Totally made me realize its all worth it!! 

The memory verse was perfect and the kids enjoyed the song that went along with the memory verse. Galatians 6:9 I sure referenced the "do not give up" message all week long! 

They learned about Jamestown this week  in history and that many pioneers came to the new land to hopefully find gold. We talked about John Smith and have been reading a biography, Pocahontas. The hubby and I decided it was time for our first field trip.... to Jamestown! How great it is to live so close by this part of our country that is filled with history! The kids had so much fun at Jamestown!  

And it was a fantastic place to review everything we have talked about so far! 

It was awesome getting to go on the ships after we had just studied them last week! We even got to see someone sewing sails for the ship! Very neat! 

                 Trying on the armor! 
                      It was heavy! 

The Jamestown Fort was a perfect place to visit with this study! 

We read the story in history about Richard and Sally and how Richard got lost and went outside of the fort. The kids drew a map of where Richard went. 

Cursive is going great for my 3rd grader and printing is getting much better for my 1st grader. The copy work has been somewhat of a battle that I hope will get easier the more we do it. 

The bible story about Ruth was a great finish to week 2 and an example of doing what is right and not giving up... God rewarded her for her faithfulness.  The art project was to make fields with grain bundles. 
They enjoyed making their fields. 

Still feeling blessed to be the mom and the teacher! Cherishing these moments so far and hoping for many more throughout Heart of Dakota. 

See you next week! 
Be blessed! 


  1. I think his cursive looks great!!! We are still reviewing the letters but should start copywork in cursive later this week. I'm SO jealous that you have Jamestown nearby! John Smith is in the book Sqaunto as well - not a very nice guy in it. You don't get that from watching Disney's Pocahontas :)

    1. You know you could always schedule a field trip to Jamestown and stay with us!! In fact, we are planning a Williamsburg trip in September too!
