Our verse this week was Matthew 25:21. This is what rainbow Copywork looks like when someone is racing and in a hurry to rush and get it done quickly.
I know she can do much better than this and she tried a bit harder on her poetry Copywork.
In poetry, we copied the poem 'The Cow' by Robert Louis Stevenson. We made an art picture of Trinka the cow grazing in tall grass. Trinka was one of the early explorer cows that made the journey from Holland to New Amsterdam. We learned a lot about cows this week and how cows chew their cud. One thought it was awesome and one was disgusted. Lol!
In history, we learned that the Dutch established an area called New Amsterdam in what we today call New York.
The Dutch sent a ship from Holland and it carried cows, pigs, & sheep to America. The pastures were not prepared so the animals were placed on an island to keep them safe from wolves and bears and in one area. The Indians had never seen these type of animals before and were very curious. Of course, there was eventually not enough grassland/food for the animals so they decided to move them off the island and watch over them closely on the mainland.
We played a little game keeping the animals corralled on the imaginary island while a small canoe rowed them one at a time to and from the shore.
The people were excited to have the cows, sheep and pigs in America. We talked about the many reasons we need these animals.
We made homemade ice cream. The kids mixed milk, vanilla and sugar in a small Baggie. Next, we put it in a larger Baggie with ice and salt. The kids gently shook the bag for 5 minutes and were happy to find ice cream inside when the time was up! Of course, we added chocolate syrup and m&m's for extra yumminess!
Some of the cows that they brought over on the ship ate poisonous weeds and died. Watching over the cows while they grazed in the pasture was an important job for the young boys.
The kids made a picture of Trinka the cow with her red ribbon on her tail. We also talked about how cheeses, butter, cream, curds & whey can all be made from cows milk. We poured milk in a glass and added 1 1/2 TBS of vinegar. After 5 minutes, the curd separated from the whey. One was actually brave enough to try the curds with a little salt! She said it was yummy!
We couldn't resist to go on an impromptu field trip to a local farm. Wish it would have been a little more sunny and warm out but, the kids had a great time feeding the animals and observing the cows! They couldn't imagine getting on a boat with all those cows like the early settlers did! Especially not on a canoe!
We learned that later English warships sent by the brother of the king of England (the Duke of York) came and took over New Amsterdam. The Dutch governor named Peter Stuyvesant, who had a wooden leg, ordered the Dutch men to fight the English. The English had more guns and cannon than the Dutch. The Dutch would not fight. "It is foolish to shed blood for nothing..." Governor Stuyvesant surrendered at last. He could not fight alone. Down came the Dutch flag and up went the English flag. The English changed the city's name to New York.
We have been reading our fantasy book, Charlotte's Web. We talked about the character moods and retelling the story. The kids are really enjoying these books as we read to them. I love seeing their imaginations working as they listen.
Our emerging reader this week was Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express by Eleanor Coerr. The kids voted and they both liked this story! The little one had some difficulty with words in this book but, overall did well with a level 3 reader.
They liked the part where Billy dressed a scarecrow up with a pumpkin head and put it on a horse. The robbers were tricked and thought the fake scarecrow was the rider on the pony express.
With our spelling, I had both kids write out their words on a dry erase board. This Little Miss decided to write a poem with her words. I see a couple misspellings but what a cute and creative idea for her!
This is how she read it to me....
'Never ever over. Over?
Faster! Faster under river.
Under, under? Not there!
Here? No, we're almost there.
Here she is!'
Not to shabby for a 6 yr old's first attempt at writing poetry!
For a fun activity, the kids colored and cut this Thanksgiving number order puzzle.
In art, we talked about symmetry and the kids both finished these thanksgiving pilgrim boy and girl drawings.
We are taking off school to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family. Our thankful tree we made is overflowing with thankful leaves as there are so many blessings in our lives. Hope each of you have a safe and joyous Thanksgiving and have time to reflect on the blessings in your life too.
Be blessed!