Every year as I pack up the school supplies and box up the class work, I start to work on my end of the year schoolbook. I like to digitally scrapbook our memories from the school year. It's time consuming going back through thousands of pictures and making sure you have just enough of just about everything you studied all year. I take pictures of science experiments, handwriting, poetry, arts & crafts, and field trips.
I love to take an entire page to highlight my favorites projects in hopes that my children have a wonderful reflection of our home school year. Who didn't love the sand art?
... Or the swinging Daniel Boone project?
How about making bear masks?
I absolutely was so excited to see the orange Shutterfly box in the mail today. I ran out, opened it up, and began looking through our masterpiece. After all, I'd spent hours and hours placing each picture precisely the way I wanted with the cutest stickers and borders.
To my shock, I turned the page noticing the Wright Brothers background that was intended to be solid black had faint skulls and bones printed in a light gray.
Oh. My. Goodness.
I turned the page and realized that every time I thought I was inserting a solid black background, I was actually placing skeleton skulls into my homeschool book!! (On about 6-7 pages) Yep, right next to the beautiful butterflies and Civil War Museum pics.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw this one! Right on the hymns and devotion page. Jesus Calling with background skeleton heads. Lol! Lord, help me!!
All this to say, that we all have great intentions. Some things aren't what they seem, no matter how many times we preview and double check. The Lord used this to show me that everyone make mistakes.
I kept thinking if the digital sample was just a little bit bigger... Or flagged me, Do you know you're inserting skeleton skulls? Or maybe I just need to get my eyes checked?!? Lol!!
Shutterfly was fantastic when I called laughing it off. They let me know that I wasn't the only one this had happened to and even offered to reprint it with the corrections for free with an exception of the shipping cost. What a great company. This was totally my fault and they were extremely understanding.
I share this because I wanted to lighten the mood. Take off some pressure and let you know that regardless, a homeschool memory book with or without skulls is a great way to organize your photos, all the artwork, poetry, and remember all of your homeschool year!
Found your blog tonight and I'm so thankful! I'm about to homeschool using HOD beyond little hearts for my first and 3rd grader (and preschooler) and I'm looking for inspiration. You have no idea how excited I am to see that you had the same set up. I'm scrolling through your blog for inspiration. I love this idea of a yearbook so much. I totally laughed out loud about the skulls. Thanks so much for the ideas and the laugh. 😂