This week we read about the fall of Jericho. The shofars were blown like a horn and the walls came tumbling down! We learned that shofars were often used in religious festivals and during battle to show that the battle belonged to the Lord.
The kids created a wall of Jericho lego set to show the spies getting into the window and a thief plundering.

We read that God parted the waters of the Jordan River so the Israelites could cross with the Ark of the Covenant. The kids history project was to make the waters rolling back parting from construction paper. I guess that wasn't enough. lol. So again this awesome lego set was created showing the priests crossing over the Jordan River.
Our last story was about Gideon and his army of 300.
How could God's people forget the Lord after all his miraculous signs? After the death of Joshua the Israelites did just that. They turned their backs on God and began to worship idols.
I love seeing these completed workbook pages. The kids do a great job most of the time completing them fully and nicely. Such a treasure to hang onto also.

In science, we learned the horse family is called Equidae. There are many different breeds of horses. They are herbivores and have excellent hearing. The kids thought it was so funny that they can sleep standing up!
This week our Science experiment was to identify different gaits or ways that a horse walks. We learned and tapped the different gaits. Walk, Trot, Canter, Gallop We have a gal in horseback riding and she was so happy to share this info with her teacher!
Hope you had a great week!
See you next time!