Christmas is coming!! This week we took a trip to Christmas town at Busch Gardens to see all the lights! There was brisk air, crowds, bright lights, and a beautiful Christmas message sung by Carolers and other performers. Hats off to Busch Gardens for keeping the reason for the season known in their music and displays.
Our verse was Proverbs 16:9. 'In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.'

In our bible study this week, we read from Matthew 3:13-4:11. We learned that Satan tempted Jesus. As we endure hardships we can depend on Him.
In history, the boys were excited about the Daniel Boone stories this week and especially reading about his adventures. They have watched the old Daniel Boone shows The children were impressed by his braveness even at such a young age.
We learned that Daniel Boone loved to explore and was a pioneer in traveling west. We learned that Indians captured him and he was able to escape. They followed his foot tracks but, Boone outsmarted them and found a vine to swing on. The Indians loss track of him.
They loved their art project of the swinging Daniel Boone! I enjoyed seeing how each of them are unique even in their art.
We also learned that Daniel Boone moved his family west to Kentucky. It was a wild and dangerous place to live. His daughter and her friend were also captured by the Indians. They were brave and were smart to tear pieces of their dresses off to leave as a trail. They knew their dad would be searching for them. He chased the Indians over 40 miles to save the girls. The weather was harsh. Freezing in winter and burning hot in summer. Daniel Boone lived a long life enduring many hardships which helped developed his strong character.
Our timeline is filling up! The kids really love keeping up with the people we read about by placing them on the timeline. It makes it so simple to reference back to them when needed.
We talked about the importance of roots in Science this week. We learned that roots anchor trees into the earth and help keep soil from eroding. The kids drew a picture of the end roots and labeled.
We also talked about microorganisms and their purpose. We learned that they help to breakdown and decompose and are an important part of the animal life cycle. Our experiment was to find out what mold is! We put a wet paper towel in a ziplock bag with a piece of food. We put it in a dark area for a few days. Yuck! **Then we stuck in back in the fridge and forgot about it over the Christmas holiday! Whoa! This was amazing! This thing looked alive, felt soft, and had little smell. The kids said it looked like a chia pet! **

The kids are each excelling in math. The CLE light unit workbooks are an amazing fit for our family. The boys are in the 404 booklet and the 7yo is rocking it in 207. I love the lessons each day, 2 quizzes per book, and a final test. It isn't overwhelming with colors and pictures or kinky spiral math but, simple with clear instructions for the kids to follow.
Our poetry copywork was the poem, Under the Trees by Richard Henry Stoddard.
Next week, we will be taking a HOD break and be traveling around the world learning about different Christmas customs & traditions. We plan to visit 8 countries in 5 days with recipes & crafts! I can't wait!! Our passports are ready!!
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If you would like to follow along our daily activities and crafts, you can like our Facebook page here:
See you then!
Be blessed!
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