What better way to start the week than with a snow angel! A bit of distraction this week with the snow but, we still managed to get through the week! Lol! This week in Unit 24 we learned about the character trait - SERVICE. Our verse this week was Proverbs 11:24 'One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.'
It was a great opportunity for the young ds to serve the neighbor by shoveling their driveway.... except somehow the ds came home with $5. Guess we are going to have keep working on this one. LOL..
It was a great opportunity for the young ds to serve the neighbor by shoveling their driveway.... except somehow the ds came home with $5. Guess we are going to have keep working on this one. LOL..
This week in history we learned about famous men who provided a great service to their families, our country and even the world.
Daniel Webster grew up in a very poor family. He learned to serve others because of the example his family set before him. One cold night he saw an elderly woman steal boards from his walkway. He followed her home to learn that she was cold and needed the wood. He served her by bringing her a bundle of wood the next day.
Daniel Webster grew up in a very poor family. He learned to serve others because of the example his family set before him. One cold night he saw an elderly woman steal boards from his walkway. He followed her home to learn that she was cold and needed the wood. He served her by bringing her a bundle of wood the next day.
We read about Samuel Morse. He had many professions, was an artist, and enjoyed painting portraits. We drew portraits too and they turned out wonderful!
The kids have struggled with art but, really seem encouraged when their HOD projects are complete!
The kids have struggled with art but, really seem encouraged when their HOD projects are complete!
We read about Samuel Morse this week. With the help of William Baxter and Alfred Vail invented the telegraph. Eventually cable was laid across the Atlantic Ocean and the telegraph became a service to communicate all over the world.
We watched this youtube clip showing the alphabet in Morse Code:
The kids added the code to their history notebooks.
We also learned about Charles Goodyear and his diligence in finding a use for the India rubber tree. The kids were fascinated with this story and amazed as rubber is something we continue to use often in our modern day life. We watched this awesome clip on YouTube showing the rubber process.
We talked about the peddlers that came to the different farms to sell or trade items that may be of necessity. We made a water pouch and talked about how these were much easier for peddlers to carry around rather than a heavy bucket.
In Science, we learned in the pioneer days that they were able to tell time in different ways as they often did not have clocks. The kids favorite way was the shadow clock. We wrote down different ways that early pioneers were able to keep time.

Hope you are staying warm!
See you next week!