We read about John Audubon. We learned that he was very diligent in his work. We read about his long journey trying to publish his book with his drawings of birds. After all his work was nearly complete, it was ruined.
We followed a step by step, "How to draw a bird" on YouTube...You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0TI4DltlZ4
The kids did WONDERFUL with their bird sketches! I was SO proud of them. The link was easy to pause on each step so they could easily sketch as they instructed.
The kids did WONDERFUL with their bird sketches! I was SO proud of them. The link was easy to pause on each step so they could easily sketch as they instructed.

Red Robin Sketch Art
The oldest changed his to a blue jay just to be different.
Robin for the little girl too! I absolutely love how these turned out! They did a great job with their drawings. We talked about how we would feel if we hunted down the birds and then drew thousands of these.... and rats ransacked our drawings like John Audubon's. The kids were sympathetic to how John Audubon must have felt so discouraged after the rats made their nests in his drawings. We learned he was diligent in completing his task again.
We learned that Audubon was a brave & avid hunter. We read about his encounter with a black panther. Our activity was to try being a sharp shooter. Lol! The kids enjoyed throwing a hat in the air while the others aimed and shot their nerf guns.
The kids had so much fun in the hall practicing their shot.
We read about Audubon and his friend who shot from one hundred feet away. He shot the snuff off the candle and left the flame. We balled up pairs of socks and the kids launched them down the hall to see who could get the closest to the candle. Of course, they had fun with this!!
We also read about Henry Longfellow. He was diligent in his poetry writing and eventually he became a well known poet. The children copied a portion of his famous poem, A Psalm of Life.
We also read about Henry Longfellow. He was diligent in his poetry writing and eventually he became a well known poet. The children copied a portion of his famous poem, A Psalm of Life.
In our science notebook, we added pictures of the honey bee, bumble bee, and wasp. We talked about the importance knowing the difference between them and that the honey bee is good because it makes honey and spreads pollen from flower to flower.
Our science experiment was to see how boats float! We filled the sink and put a paper towel inside of a glass. We turned the glass upside down and lowered it straight into the water. The kids were amazed the paper towel did not get wet!
Next, we talked about the air pocket in the glass. We leaned it slightly to the side and the air bubbles came up to the surface. The paper towel got wet.
In our Science Pioneer Sampler reading, we learned that cows were an important part of the farm. We watched a quick YouTube video on milking a cow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCkoQ-sCQ4Y
Next, we learned that the cows were usually taken care of by the women or girls in the family. The milk was used to make butter and cheese and were traded at the general stores.
We watched the happy scientist video on how to make butter in a jar. His explanation of the process was right on.
You can watch it here: http://thehappyscientist.com/science-video/making-butter
The kids loved this experiment and the butter tasted amazing!!
The kids loved this experiment and the butter tasted amazing!!
We learned that one has to be very diligent in making butter. But, the outcome was delicious!
The butter was just wonderful on our homemade bread!! The kids were so proud that they made the butter themselves.
Our hymn this week was 'Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart.' We played it throughout the week while the kids worked on their projects.
That wraps it up! Hope everyone had s great week!
See you next week!
What a great week! We loved the Audubon biography. They did a beautiful job! A Pioneer Sampler was so fun as well :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I think I might have enjoyed this unit more than the kids!! Lol!