This week we learned our new character trait, hardworking. Our verse was Proverbs 14:23. 'All hard work brings a profit but, mere talk leads only to poverty.'
We continued reading our Wright Brothers book and learned that after mastering gliding, the boys were eager to invent a powered engine and propellers to fly. The brothers worked hard to design their own engine and propeller blades for their flying machine.
The kids experimented with how a glider can rise into the air. Bernoullis principle says that faster air creates less pressure. The air above the balloon had less pressure than the air beneath it. This causes the balloon to lift!
We learned that the Wright brothers father and sister prayed that it would be God's plan for the boys to fly. After they were successful with 4 flights in Kitty Hawk, the brothers returned home. They were surprised there was no big welcome for them. People did not believe that they had flown.
The kids certainly enjoyed their artistic expression this week! They each made paper airplanes and launched them down the hall. They experimented with adding paperclips to different types of planes to see the affects of the flights.
We learned that the boys rented a cow pasture to test their plane and made steady progress and longer flights.
This week in Science we started reading a book about Thomas A. Edison. As a boy he had many questions and wanted to know the answers. Thomas moved his goose and he himself tried sitting on the eggs to hatch them because the goose was taking to long. The eggs did not break because it has a special hard shell to protect the developing chick from the weight of their mother sitting on the egg. We held an egg and tried squeezing it in our palm. The egg did not break!
We learned that Thomas fell through the thin ice while skating on the canal. His good friend saved him. Our experiment was to freeze water to see the thin layer on top of the surface.
This week we took some time to go on several field trips.
We went on a field trip to a nearby Civil War Plantation. The kids listened as the guide explained slavery and why there was a Civil War. This field trip was a perfect refresher from our previous units.
As we walked thru the house the kids were excited to find some of the household items we'd recently read about in our Pioneer Sampler book inside the Robertson's home. The wash bowl and pitcher was used to wash hands. This was one of the first items the kids noticed.
They pointed out the ladder back chair.
They also brought this sewn sampler to my attention.
Who could forget the bedpan?!?!
He finished the discussion with the gear a soldier would be issued when he enlisted into the army and of course firing the musket gun.
Our library homeschool program had a special robotics class. The kids were able to create and design their own robot to battle.
This was a huge hit!
The robotics have sensors and the kids remotely controlled them. Pretty exciting!
We had a great week and are looking forward to cruising through these next few units! The summer bug has bitten me as the weather warms and the kids are outside more. The Preparing Heart of Dakota books have been purchased for the fall and I can't wait to get my boxes in!
I hope that everyone had a great week!
See you next week!
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