We read about 'The World's Fair' showing the progress made around the world in science, art, and literature.

We also read about the talented African American, Louis Armstrong. We learned that at the young age of 21, he set forth on an unknown path. He left New Orleans in 1922 to head to Chicago, Illinois to join Papa Joe Oliver's jazz band. We listened to some classics and our state song, 'Carry Me Back to Old Virginny' sung by Louis Armstrong & the Mills Brothers.
Louis Armstrong became famous all over the world for his incredible musical talent!
For art this week, the kids took a look at www.50states.com to see our state license plate.
They drew and colored their state plate. They took a little liberty in their designs.
We read about the Panama Canal and learned that it shortened the route from San Francisco to New York by over 8000 miles. The kids were able to locate Panama on the map and identify the isthmus.
We experimented with chemicals to see what makes a mixture foam up. The chemical reaction was impressive to say the least!
We read about the Panama Canal and learned that it shortened the route from San Francisco to New York by over 8000 miles. The kids were able to locate Panama on the map and identify the isthmus.
We experimented with chemicals to see what makes a mixture foam up. The chemical reaction was impressive to say the least!
We added a tap of baking soda to a glass of water. There was little reaction.
When we added a teaspoon of baking soda to the vinegar, the reaction was quick to overflow! The kids were impressed! We learned it's never okay to test chemicals on people!
We experimented an learned that a chemical reaction is when 2 substances combine together to make a new substance. Baking soda and lemon juice combines to make a carbon dioxide gas.
The kids thought this drink was yummy!
We read that Tom Edison invented his own telegraph to talk to his buddy. Then he later got a job on a train.
Our big event of the week was the field trip to visit Kitty Hawk to solidify the Wright Brothers Book we have been reading.
The kids loved already knowing so much about the 2 brothers and their family.
It was neat to watch their faces light up as they recognized another part of the story.
The plane and glider were so neat to see up close!
These are the sheds the brothers worked in each year.
"Hey Mom, look isn't this a centennial?" That's our vocabulary word this week! Always neat when they recognize one of the words!
The kids were able to climb and play on an outside large replica of the plane! This was a favorite part of our day for sure!
These boys have been playing for 2 days with these Wright Flyer planes. Cute!!
What a great week!
Looking forward to our final Unit next week! See you then!
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