Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Preparing & Res to Ref - Unit 8

Preparing Hearts for His Glory

We've continued our reading in our book, Grandpa's Box. The kids really are enjoying this book and honestly... So am I! As we read they love making the simple figures on index cards to go in our yellow box just like Grandpa.  So glad we are reading this book!

We learned that the Ark of the Covenant carried the Ten Commandments, a jar of manna, and Aaron's staff.  It went before the Israelites to remind them that they were God's people.  The kids drew the picture above from the draw and write book. Good job! 

God used Joshua to lead the Israelites in a march around the Jericho with the Ark of the Covenant.  The kids loved this story - even though they have all heard it many times before. We watched and learned the YouTube song:  Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho and the Walls Came Tumbling Down

We learned Gideon wasn't especially brave but, God used him to defeat the Midianites. He trusted God. 

We read about God choosing David -even though he was the youngest and smallest - to do great things because he had a heart for the Lord. The kids drew pictures of him and wrote a paragraph about him. 

We made maps of the 12 tribes  with a key and read about Naomi and Ruth. Ruth was a Moabite but, after her husband died God used her in a mighty way.  She went with Naomi back to her land in Bethlehem and ended up marrying Boaz, had a son named Obed - who was King David's grandfather.

There has been so many details in these Bible stories and I have been trying to help the kids understand who is who with my simple dry erase board drawings. What I wouldn't give for those old felt board characters they used in vacation bible school when I was a kid! I think those would be extremely helpful when trying to explain. 

The kids had to design the 4 types of seeds that travel - by air, by water, hitch hike, and through the body. Then, they experimented with them to see if they were a success or if they failed. 

They had fun designing and of course experimenting. I was impressed by their creations but, the puppy wasn't as amused! Lol! He just happened to be our only hairy test subject for the hitch hiker seed. 

The kids learned about some of the animals they might see in the desert after a rain. They drew the life cycle of a  spadefoot toad. 

Christian Light workbooks are going well for my younger 3.  We are cruising along with our lessons and they are grasping the new concepts introduced well. 

Resurrection to Reformation

This week we learned of the fury of the Northmen. We started the Draw and Write through history this week. He didn't balk at this as much... as the detailed instructions helped. 

He learned that the Viking ships were light and swift and had one large sail. The ships used to rowers and wind to travel. 

In reading, Famous Men of the Middle Ages, we learned that Rollo ("the Walker") was a Viking. The Vikings - sea pirates and robbers- came into Europe from the north. 

Canute was a Danish King who also became the sole King of England. 

For his Shakespeare reading, he studied Much Ado About Nothing. 

Another successful week in Geometry with Math U See. So glad this has been a great fit for him. 

We really had a busy week with fall sports since we finally saw some dry days. 

So thankful for the rain but, even more so for the beautiful fall weather He has given us. It's my favorite time of year!  I saw this great idea above that we will be trying as soon as our leaves turn a bit more colors. How beautiful are these leaf roses!! 

Hope everyone had a great week too! 

See you next week! 

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