This week we read about God giving the Pharaoh 2 dreams. God revealed the meaning of his dreams to Joseph and they were prophecies of what was to come. There would be 7 years of an abundance of food followed by 7 years of famine. The Pharaoh made a plan to prepare for this and made Joseph 2nd only to him in honor of his prophecy. We read about Joseph's brothers coming to Egypt searching for food. His brothers did not recognize him so Joseph decided to see if they had a change of heart throughout the years.
The kids copied the recipe for Egyptian Palace Bread onto an index card. As they prepared the slices of bread by cutting off the edges, I laughed when one of my sons said, "I guess they didn't like the bread crust even way back then!' LOL!
We cooked the honey bread stack on 250' for 45 minutes.

The kids learned in Science that the earth likely use to one land format. They used a world puzzle to try and fit the continents together to see what it might have looked like.
They also read that it is likely that during the ice age animals and people may have traveled across the ice bridges to get to different locations.
The kids read about marsupials this week and their cool pouch. They thought it was so neat that koalas are able to eat the usually poisonous eucalyptus leaves because they have a special chemical that allows them not to be poisoned.
In Poetry this week, we read Robert Frost's 'One Step Backward'. Our painting was a watercolor background and to draw flat stones in pencil and add shadows. I think each week the kids do better with their art.

The shadowing was a bit tricky. But, I think they all turned out great!
Another math test success! Proud of my 4th grader this week with a great job on her CLE math! This year she is doing an excellent job with review and now on to her multiplication and division.
The exciting news of the week was the snakeskin we found in the front flower bed.
The kids really enjoyed the up close look at the skin. They examined and touched and found it way more exciting than me! EEK! Yay, for moving to the country! We aren't sure what kind it is but, we did happen to run across a snake several days later! Maybe he was looking for his skin! ;)
And we found a perfect spot to keep it for the time being!
Right on our homeschool shelf!
We hope you each had a great week homeschooling. Looking forward to the cooler weather coming soon!
Until next week!
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