Who doesn't love a little tent school? "Mom, we are ready for school!" How can I argue with this cuteness?!?! And so our week begins...

This week actually started a little rocky as the little one was not feeling well. Despite her being under the weather, she still wanted to complete her copywork as part of our normal routine. It's hard to believe that copywork is becoming one of their favorite things to do after it was such a battle in the fall when we started school!
How cute is this precious fruit of the spirit sign?!?!
Found this awesome Etsy home decor that would go great in our homeschool room! Here is the link in case you want to check it out too! http://pinterest.com/pin/98938523038379838/
That Etsy post wasn't totally random as our memory verse this week was about the fruits of the spirit. Our memory verse was Galations 5:22-23. We talked about each: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. Both children loved the song this week on Hide Em' in Your Heart and both sang along all week.

Sometimes I feel like the verse of the week was meant just for me! Love how HOD ministers to me while I am teaching my children.
In history this week, we read about a boy named Nathan that lost his dad in the army. It was important for Nathan to journey to New York on his horse to see General Washington become the first president of the United States because his father had spoken so highly of him. A house was built for the president there in New York but, was later built in the center of the 13 colonies in Washington DC and painted white after the British tried to burn it down.
New York was crowded on that special day in our nations history, as everyone wanted to see Washington place his hand on the Bible and become our first president of the United States of America. After he became president, we learned that he went to pray at a nearby church as he knew he had been given a big responsibility and needed Gods help as he took on this new task. We learned more about President Washington as a leader and his goal was to follow the Bible the best he could.
New York was crowded on that special day in our nations history, as everyone wanted to see Washington place his hand on the Bible and become our first president of the United States of America. After he became president, we learned that he went to pray at a nearby church as he knew he had been given a big responsibility and needed Gods help as he took on this new task. We learned more about President Washington as a leader and his goal was to follow the Bible the best he could.
We talked about the horse that Nathan rode on to New York. We learned that horses are measured in hands and an average horse is 15 hands tall to the top of their legs. We measured 15 hands up on our door to see just how tall an average horse would be.
For our art project this week, we followed these simple art instructions to draw a running horse just like Nathan's.

Although, the kids had difficulty with sketching this time, I think they both did very well for their first try. We may need to add more of this sketching art into our weekly routine to keep them from freaking out about it!
In Science, we did a little experiment that the kids both LoVED to watch! The oooohs and ahhhhhs were contagious!

On Nathan's way home, he saw fireworks high in the sky that were celebrating President Washington. Our science experiment was to put milk in a shallow bowl and add 4 drops of red, 4 blue and 4 yellow food coloring.
Next we added a drop of dish soap to the center and watched the "firework" colors swirl and mix together. The kids really got a kick out of this experiment.
We read Colossians 3:12-17. We learned that God expects us to love others and work together with them. As America became a new nation, it was important to unite and honor God for his goodness. The kids listened to the scripture for the traits that God wants them to have in their hearts. We learned that other people should be able to see Christ inside of us when we have these traits.
The kids made these flip-up shirts and listed the Godly character traits on the inside close to their hearts. We used a printable t-shirt that you can get HERE for simplicity for our art and then stapled a colored design on the front as seen in the pic above.
We talked about the importance of using commas in our sentences and learned how to list series. We practiced writing sentences with cards and used macaroni elbow noodles as the commas. Some of their sentences were: "I like to eat pizza, broccoli, and ice cream." "I don't like to play dress-up, dolls, and coloring." "I like to play baseball, soccer, and cars." "I don't like to eat onions, spinach, and broccoli."
A couple little chefs in the kitchen made homemade pizzas using their very own flour tortillas as the crust. They both enjoyed being in the kitchen. Fun to see them take such pride in the making of their own lunches!
Our slanted spelling word wall is growing and we will soon need to set up a ladder to add on more words! Thankfully the school year is getting closer to an end.
Baseball season has started and this boy of ours has been stretched from practices, ceremonies, pictures, and games. I'm glad he loves baseball and hoping for a great season for him and his teammates. Sports have been a great opportunity for our son to meet and interact with others his age and encourage sportsmanship and teamwork. Truth is... Mommy enjoys it too!
Praying also that this March 26th snow we had was our last bit of snowy weather for the season! Started school a bit late one day this week so the kids could enjoy the final trace of the white stuff! How could I resist when they were dressed in their warmest blizzard gear even when it was melting quickly from the rooftops? Not quite enough to build a snowman but, didn't stop my kids from trying to sled down the hills of the flower beds! Lol! They are still loving it and I love winter too but, I'm certain it's time for spring! Good thing it will be in the seventies this weekend!
We were ready to take advantage of the warm weather with or without the clouds we couldn't wait to hit up Busch Gardens! 💐
Enjoy your week!
Be blessed!