Monday, March 10, 2014

HOD BLHFHG - Unit 23

Spending time with the grandparents and great grandparents for spring break was fun for both of my little ones.  Their time  spent with them is precious in my eyes as they learn many life skills and hear the many tales of our families successes and triumphs throughout our family history. 

Taking walks, fishing with bamboo poles, enjoying the outdoors, helping in the kitchen and getting to make cookies and "mash the bananas" for the homemade banana bread are all things that kept them busy this week. 

The kids even found entertainment stringing some old buttons... the same jar of buttons I used to string as a child. 

Our memory verse this week was Proverbs 15:1.  Oh, how we all need this verse. 

We read in history about a surveyor named George that fled to a nearby cabin. The cabin was soon surrounded by Indians that had lit an angry fire as they wanted to burn the cabin because they were upset that their land was being measured.  The boys kindly showed the Indians a keepsake moccasin that they had from when they had taken care of an Indian girl, were careful not to argue, and the Indians were pleased.  After the boy spoke the Indians welcomed the surveyor. The surveyor was later to be known as General George Washington in the American Revolution. 

The children measured the land like George, the surveyor. 

The kids drew the area onto a paper with their measurements. 


These HOD history worksheets above are very helpful for our week review. 

We also read about a young 8 yo girl who was left sewing at home while her parents were away. She wanted to play outside, but she didn't become angry when her mother told her to keep working on her stitching sampler.  Her mother gave her an iron key to the barn to keep safe as the barn was filled with guns and powder.   The red coat soldiers barged into her house demanding the key to the barn so that the soldiers could rest inside. The young girl was frightened as they plundered and scavenged through her home but, as she sat with the key in her lap under her sewing sampler she remained calm as she spoke to the soldier. Kind words came from her lips as she explained she wouldn't give up the key and the soldier left with his men. 

The children in our history stories turned away wrath by speaking softly.  In the Bible passage we read in Genesis 13:1-18, Abram gave Lot first choice of the land to stop quarreling. Lot took the best Land.  We learned that The Lord blessed Abram by giving him the length and the breadth of the land. 

For geography, the kids measured and graphed our homeschool room to scale. 

In math, we colored brown, oval cookies/anthills and multiplied and divided our raisins/ants to see how many would be needed in each cookie/anthill.  Although this came easily for my older child, this helped my younger dd grasp the concept.  This really got the math down on their level and they loved snacking along the way! 

We discovered many combinations of multiplying and dividing different numbers. 


Grammy started reading new literature  to the kiddos. A Little Princess; So far so good! 


She was so proud of her painted cupcake pottery piece. 

And brother built a racecar with Papa! 


They loved their time cooking, fishing, bowling and swimming this week. The time shared with their grandparents and great grandparents was precious and fond memories were made not to be forgotten any time soon. 

Our last stop was at the Charlotte, NC NASCAR Hall of Fame.  There is only one race car crazed kid we would do this for! My son loves racing and he absolutely loved this! 

Taking a break away from home is always enjoyable but, being able to take school on the road is priceless! 

Enjoy your week! 
Be blessed! 

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