We read about another young boy, Levi, who fought in 2 battles. He was later chosen to watch over General Washingtons bodyguards. Even though it wasn't as exciting as fighting, he did his job well. Levi helped give a dinner party in the mess tent for important guests. He was honored with a hand woven night cap by Lady Washington. We learned the boy had a choice and chose to be a soldier in the Continental Army doing whatever was asked of him. Christ wants us to soldiers for Him standing up for the truths in which we believe.
In geography, we examined America at the time of the revolution. The key areas that the battles were fought in were on the east coast.
We also read about George Washington and how he was a great leader and he honored and trusted Gods word. Even though he was in charge, he set a great example of serving others. He was never to good to help those in need. Washington's men loved and respected him.
In Science, we talked about how our noses and tongue work together. We determined that our sense of smell affects how things taste. We couldn't taste well when our noses were plugged! When we ate plain apple slices, they were good before we even tasted them! When we put cinnamon on them and could smell the yummy cinnamon it made them taste SO much better! The kids plugged their noses and tried them even with the cinnamon and couldn't taste it.
In poetry, the children copied 'A Child's Prayer' by Margaret Betham-Edwards. I loved this sweet poem as it is my prayer for each of our children.
The cursive is going very well and we will be introducing it to the little one soon because she desires to "write fancy" too!
Our bible reading this week was Ephesians 6:10-20. We learned that Paul encourages Christians to be brave in the fight against evil with the armor of God. The Continental Army needed to be brave and General Washington trusted in God.
We created pieces of the armor of God (righteousness, peace, truth, faith, spirit and salvation) and dressed our favorite stuffed animals to be ready. The kids loved this art project and compared it to dressing a 'Build-a-Bear' that they could design by themselves. We talked about how God wants us to be ready in the armor of God for any of Satan's schemes. My daughter then said... "His name should be HATiN' instead of Satan!" LOL... She is a hoot but oh, what young truth she speaks!
This week went by very fast! The kids have definite appreciation for good ole George Washington and understand how his Godly leadership, values, and morals impacted our country in a positive way.
It was 'Picture Week' at Gymnastics and I thought I would share a few pics for the family on the blog too. Gymnastics has been a sure hit with the older one and the younger one thinks she will stick to dancing!
Enjoy your week!
Be blessed!
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