Sunday, April 13, 2014


This week our verse was Proverbs 26:4.
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it " 

Holding onto this promise each day! 

Our song this week was loved and repeated many times! So glad my two enjoy the music CD with Beyond. They have been able to learn many verses easily just by singing along. 

In history, we read about a brave pioneer named Daniel Boone. His journey marked a path 1,000 miles long as the Wildreness Trail for pioneers to use through the mountains and valleys into Kentucky. At first the path was rough, narrow, and muddy. We learned 35 axmen helped clear the pathway.  The travel was long and hard and pioneer families trained their children to be hard workers.  From 1775-1810 over 250,000 people traveled on the Wilderness Road. 

We read about a family that was leaving their home and making the journey on the Wilderness Trail because they had heard there was good land to be farmed out west.  In our story, we learned that pioneers worked hard to learn to do many new things. The mother made her daughter a long blue journey dress. They sheered the sheep, cleaned and dyed the wool, made it into yarn and sewed the new dress. 

We brushed our cotton ball, rolled it into yarn, dyed it, and hung it to dry. 

The kids thought it looked like cotton candy once it dried and even asked to try a bite!!  I had to remind them of the cotton ball we started with!  ;)

The journey for the pioneers was exciting at first, but became long and tiring on their way to the fort in Kentucky. There were hard times and we read about a horse that slipped and dropped the load it was carrying into water.  They worked hard to gather the wet items and lay them out to dry on the shore.  And another time, a boy had to shoot a wildcat in the tree to save his sisters. His bravery earned him a  real gun.  The children were trained to think of others and watch out for ways to be helpful. 

We talked about the long rifles they used on the frontier and learned that they were 4 feet long. The 3 parts of the rifle:  the lock, stock, and barrel.  

In Math, the little one is doing well on her review.  So proud of both of their progress this year. 

Love this picture so much! The little one is listening to her 'Frozen' Soundtrack doing her schoolwork with her dolls. Love that she has the freedom to school with some of her favorite things close by. 

Homeschooling is continuing to be a perfect fit for our family.  Our memory verse this week was an excellent reminder that if I train up my child in the right ways then it will stick with them as they grow older! Looking forward to ordering our HOD Bigger books soon for fall! 

The kids are enjoying the beautiful weather and their adventures during their outside time are priceless in their youth.  We are blazing through the bubbles and the sidewalk chalk soaking up this spring weather!
Have a great week! 
Be blessed! 

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