Thursday, April 17, 2014

HoD BLHFHG Unit 29

This week was a fantastic week of crazy weather!  Beautiful sunshine and frigid rainy blahness....  The flowers and trees are pushing on nonetheless and blooming and budding out. Spring is here despite the inconsistency!

Our verse this week was Deuteronomy 5:16.  The kids again loved the song that went with this unit. 

In history, we read that as the pioneers continued to move west, the Indians grew more and more angry as they felt they were being invaded. The pioneers cut down trees and killed  animals on the land and stole belongings from the Indian villages.  Some pioneers were honest and purchased items from the Indians but, often the pioneers caused problems.  We also talked about different ways the early pioneers could been more peaceful with the Indians.

We learned that some pioneer families would travel down the rivers using flat boats instead of the long journey through the Wilderness Trail. It seemed to be a more favorable option to load all of their belongings and animals to float down the river. This was easier than walking, the oxcart or horse drawn carriage because the roads were so rough, steep, narrow, and long. However, the Indians were likely to attack with arrows and guns if they saw the boats on the river. 

We read about one family that had moved several times and continued moving west in search of farmland and out of the crowded areas. They transplanted their special flowers with them on each of their moves. This time they were floating down the river and saw a light flickering in the distance.  As they floated closer they realized it was a large fire with Indians dancing around it.  They were afraid  because of the stories they had heard about the Indians attacking the flatboats and taking their belongings.  The family was able to escape the Indians because the Indians couldn't see them floating down the river.  It was night time and there was a new moon that wasn't shining. 

We read about the phases of the moon and I found this awesome free printable mini book here! 

The kids put it together and colored the different phases of the moon.  We also thought of adjectives to describe the moon shapes. 

We also made the phases of the moon using Oreo cookies! The kids both had fun with this even if my little chocolate lover didn't quite get thru all the phases without eating the rest! 

We also read about Johnny Appleseed and how he gave apple tree seeds to families before they traveled west so that they could plant the seeds on their new land and enjoy their fruit.   The families were eager to plant the apple seeds.

We talked about the parts of a tree  (Trunk, Branches, Crown, Roots, Flowers, Fruit)  and learned that God made trees to help in many ways; changing carbon dioxide into oxygen, shade, beauty, shelter, paper, food, and medicines.

We touched on this at the beginning of the year when we visited the apple orchard, made a apple lap book, and other apple activities.

You can find that blogpost here:    Apple Activities

The kids worked on a special apple tree project. 
We used tea bag grounds as the trunk of the tree. The kids liked painting the glue and sprinkling the tea onto their artwork.

They dabbed on the green crown of the tree with paint on a paper towel and glued on yarn for the roots of the tree.

Last they enjoyed placing the fingerprint apples on their trees and used small pieces of tissue for the blossoms.  They labeled the parts of their trees.  Overall, both kids enjoyed this project. 

YAY! We have ordered HOD Bigger for next fall.  Still trying to decide on a math to use next year.  HELP!  What Math do you absolutely love?  Still looking for that great fit.  I am leaning toward Rod and Staff or Math Mammoth.

We need to push through these last Beyond units as our schedules are filling up with busy baseball  practices and games and  more dance rehearsals and recitals!  We are likely to begin double timing next week and going through 2 units per week.  I will likely limit their copy work and continue to focus on their math, reading, spelling, science and history.... squishing in the artwork as we can.  

Hope you have a fantastic Easter weekend.
Be Blessed! 

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