Proverbs 6:6-8
We learned about the governor of Boston, John Winthrop, had a heavy task before him. When the ship landed ashore there was a big responsibility to clear the land and plant the fields before they ran out of the good they brought. They prayed and fasted and were grateful when the ship returned with more food.
We mixed up some clay and the kids attempted to make wigwams. These didn't turn out as great as expected but, they had fun crushing leaves and sticking on grass mats... errrr, Golden Graham's.
We talked about Thomas Smith. We learned he was a smart man that planted one small bag of rice seed in the wetlands of South Carolina. His harvest was plentiful and soon was able to trade his goods.
A woman in South Carolina wanted to grow Indigo. She tried several times and finally was able to sow her harvest.
These crops were grown so well that they were eventually traded and sold in other countries.
We also learned about a patriot named Nathaniel Bacon. He was feeling oppressed by the governor of Virginia and all of the taxes that they were being forced to pay. He was industrious as he stood up many times for the rights of the people. He overcame the oppression in seeking a better leadership by eventually burning Jamestown to the ground.
In Science, we learned about the parts of a flower. My ds drawings are getting so much better. He is using details and this mommy is proud!
I cut out these 3 simple shapes: petals, stamen, and the pistil. They added pollen dots to the ends of the stamen. The children were each able to identify the fertilization process, glue, and label their flowers.
We talked about our solar system and decided to start working on new Lapbooks.
The kids all love cutting and gluing onto their lap books and the research is great for them. There are many great free resources for planets and solar system Lapbooks.
In English, we learned more about Proper and common nouns. We also took a quick test including verbs also. The kids all did great.
We received our Pizza Hut Reading Coupons this week and started these book reading charts. These are great motivators and the kids are super anxious to get their prize pizza soon!
This week our field trip was to Yorktown Victory Center! The weather was perfect!
The kids enjoyed the tour around the family farm and encampment. Here are a few pictures from our day.

Hope you had a great week too!
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