Our history project was to make a shepherd headband from string and straws. We did use the end of a narrow paintbrush to help get the yarn through the straw.
Once the kids got the hang of this, it went quickly!
And soon, all 3 were finished!!
The boys were anxious to wear their towels on their heads! The girl, not so much! Lol! I told her it looked like a princess headband.
The highlight this week was the Hebrew feast! We loved our family meal and enjoyed listening to 'The top Hebrew songs' as our background music!

You can order some at the link:

The kids couldn't wait to try it since they had seen it on Narnia. LOL... But they definitely said that it wasn't what they expected. They all tried the different flavors and said that it reminded them of sugar gum drops! The lemon and mint flavors were their favorites!
This week we expanded on our creative writing. The kids were learning to write descriptive paragraphs. They chose an object and described it using adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Writing is often a struggle but, there was a spark at the end of the tunnel when they had the chance to use the computer to type it themselves! :) They did a great job!

Our poem this week was Robert Frost's 'A Passing Glimpse'. The kids painted a field with water color and added purple flowers along the bottom. We learned that the glimpse that he was referring to was likely from a train car.

I love seeing the differences the kids have in their artwork. Although this week it is subtle, uniqueness is grand!
This week in Science the kids have been learning about predator and prey. We learned that their relationship keeps the cougar and deer population balanced.
Until next week!