We started the week with a shipment of caterpillars.
The kids were so excited to find the Insect Lore box
in the mail! They have both been anxiously awaiting this!
We ordered 5 wiggly babies and we are going to watch them change into beautiful butterflies! I know life cycles will be discussed in more detail in HOD's Bigger but, we couldn't wait! The kids drew the life cycle of a butterfly in a journal and we recorded their changes each day.
Each day the kids were eager to run to the jar each morning to see the changes these little guys made. They marveled at each small detail and recorded it in their journals.
Watching their excitement learning about this life cycle was simply priceless!

This is what the little guys looked like. We could watch them eat and even shed their skin. Impressive!
They ate and ate and grew and grew!
Then, they climbed to the top and hung in J shapes.
Yes, we documented the changes that we saw visually. Their drawings were so entertaining & cute!
I'm amazed at how quickly these little wiggles are growing! They soon made their chrysalis and hung from the top of the jar.
Then we pinned them onto the side of their butterfly netted garden. Now we wait a few more days unit they emerge as painted lady butterflies!
Our verse this week was about worrying. Matthew 6:25-26
How we often need to be reminded of how much more valuable we are than the birds of the air.
The poem this week was cute! Whether the Weather... The kids tried to say it fast like a tongue twister!
My little one was getting a little messy on her Copywork as she was rushing to get it finished quickly, so I had her begin tracing a little of my yellow guidelines. This helped in making her very conscious of how I'd like it to be written. This is so much better than her rush work.
In history, we read about Independence, Missouri. There were 3 trails leading out of the small city: The Oregon Trail, California Trail, & Sante Fe Trail. The kids traced the routes on their maps. We located the mountain passes, rivers, and plains.
The kids sketched a picture of the boy from our story. Notice the mouth organ aka: harmonica. Lol! Love the way she drew it!
Our story this week was about a father and his boy, Nick, that were headed to Sante Fe on the trail. The boy had lost his hat in a storm on the long journey across the plains. Hats were very useful and the boy wanted one of the big sombreros that others were wearing in Sante Fe. He tried to trade a few of his things for a used, black, hat that a young boy was wearing but, the young boy did not want to trade. Nick reached into his pocket and found his favorite mouth organ and started blowing 'Yankee Doodle'. Nick didn't really want to give up his instrument and worried as he loved playing songs but, the other boys eyes gleamed and was finally willing to trade. Just as Nick was going to trade, his dad showed up and placed a special brand new sombrero on his head. Nick was so happy as he slid his mouth organ back into his pocket.
We listened to Yankee Doodle over and over again as the kids danced around a hat just like they would at a Spanish fiesta.
She wanted to be Nick with the hat that was to big for him.
It was hard to get a pic of this one being still while the song was on. Lol!
We worked with contractions this week. I made up this cute game and both kids did well with it. Yay!
The little one is doing great with her addition and subtraction. This week we worked on finding the missing numbers and adding multiple numbers. The boy was working on multiplying and dividing.
This week we also added a sombrero onto our timeline marking the Sante Fe Trail in 1825. The kids have really enjoyed the timelines we've made this year and reference them often as we are discussing history.
A rainy week has kept us inside doubling up on our units. The kids didn't seem to mind the extra knowing that their summer break is just around the corner.
See you next week!
Be blessed!
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