Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hod BLHFHG - Unit 32

Our verse this week was Proverbs 18:24.  

'A man of many companions may come to ruin, 
but there is a friend who is closer than a brother.'

The kids had fun with the song this week. Who else laughed at their kids having a friend who "stinks"...  Lol!  I couldn't help control the unending giggling. 

In history, we read a story about a young girl on the Oregon Trail named Nell that had to stay at home with her young twin brothers while her dad took their ill mother to town.  Her dad showed her how to use a pistol just in case of danger while he was away. After the children had all fallen asleep, Nell heard a loud growl. She awoke to a huge brown bear standing in their doorway.  She was afraid and threw a jar of molasses out the doorway to distract the bear. Next, Nell closed the door and went to the window and fired a gun shot at the bear. The bear ran away into the woods. 


We studied more about bears and tried what it might be like with paws instead of fingers. The kids  put socks on their hands as paws and both had fun trying to pick up different objects.  They soon understood why the bear swatted at the jug of molasses instead of grabbing it.  

The kids couldn't believe they could weigh up to 1700 pounds!  WOW!

We read more about bears and the kids sketched a picture of the largest bear, an Alaskan brown bear or Kodiak bear. The fantastic drawing above is by my 6 yo. Pretty cute! 

Love these history worksheets for the kids to complete each week.  It's really great for double checking their comprehension of the reading. 

We read about California becoming the 31st state as everyone rushed to California for gold. We talked about panning for gold and why so many were seeking fortune.  There was a story about 2 stage coaches racing from San Francisco to San Jose to tell the great news! The kids enjoyed the race! 

The kids math sheets have still been going well. 

A little messy because of rushing but, she understands the process and is adding correctly. Proud of her! 

Our Art Project in action. Painting the globe! Yes, those are ruffles around the edges of her land. LOL...

My son did a great job on his drawing of the globe too.  

In our bible reading, we read that God is always here to help us.  He watches over the world and holds the Earth in his hands watching over his creations. We sketched a globe and outlined it in pastels. The kids then used water colors. 

We made these cute outlines of their hands together with a heart in the middle! The kids enjoyed this project. 

We are looking forward to finishing up the year soon. The weather has been amazing outside and our activities are piling up. 

See you next week! 
Be blessed! 


  1. Hello
    I am trying to find the history comprehension worksheet you refer to. Are they on this site? I cannot find them at all. Could you possibly direct me to them? Kathy @blessed2b4@hotmail.com

    1. Hi Kathy! We used the history notebooking pages from the HOD Facebook page files. They are amazing!
