Thursday, May 15, 2014

HOD BLHFHG - Unit 33

Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful moms reading. Hope you enjoyed your special day with your little blessings as much as I did. We had a great day, cooked out, played outside washing the cars, and ended the day at our favorite frozen yogurt spot! 

This week our verse was Proverbs 17:22. 
'A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.'

Our poem was so cute! Four Seasons by Anonymous

Look at that cursive, Folks! That, my friend, is what I call improvement from the beginning of the year! Yay! Love the effort my son puts into his Copywork!  No fuss... no fight.... he just gets it done and it is beautiful.  Be encouraged because persistence makes a difference! 

In History, we read about a little girl that moved with her family to the Great Plains from beautiful Norway.  She was saddened by the new flat land because it was so different from the beautiful cliffs of Europe.  The farmland had been given to them from the Farmland Act.  They trusted God and moved to America to begin a new life.  They built a sod house and prepared the fields in hopes of a magnificent harvest. 

We read that shortly after their sod house was built came a snow storm. The project was to cut out snowflakes but we modified with a little Epsom Salt water painting. The kids enjoyed this and we may add this as my daughters FROZEN birthday party activity. 

We talked about the soil of the Earth and how it differs in color based on the area of land and the minerals in the soil.

We talked about how the Indians taught the pioneers how to grow crops.  The land needed more work to be ready to sow in the Great Plains. 

The kids made green playdough and then they formed it into this giant dough seed. We labeled the parts as food sack, seed coat, and new plant. 

The kids also drew and labeled a picture in their sketch book.  

Our baby caterpillars finally hatched out of their cocoons and the kids absolutely loved the watching this experience! They were in total awe as they imagined what it might be like to have their body transform into a new creature. To have wings all of a sudden and be able to fly after creepy crawling around as a caterpillar just days before.

We got to feed them sugar water on carnations for a few days and then we let them go in the front yard.  I highly recommend observing the change and sharing this experience with your little ones. Amazing! 

It was a fun week and we are looking forward to wrapping up the year next week! 

See you then! 
Be blessed

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